블렛케이는 정부, 기업 및 민간 고객에 군사, 대테러, 경호, 보안 등 위기 관리 교육 및 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 이들의 국가로는 아프리카, 중동 및 아시아 등을 들 수 있습니다. 블렛케이는 고도화, 전문화된 복합 밀리터리, 대테러 훈련장 설계, 조달, 시공 및 교육을 담당하는 프로젝트 오거나이저로서 각국의 군대, 경찰, 경호, 보안시큐리티 업체에 교육을 제공하는 해외 프로젝트를 수행하고 있으며 지분 투자 및 시설운영까지 그 영역을 확대하고 있습니다.
Bullet-K provides crisis management training and services to government, business and private customers, including military, counter-terrorism, and security. Their countries include Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
Bullet-K is a project organizer responsible for designing, procuring, constructing, and training advanced, specialized complex military and counter-terrorism training sites, carrying out overseas projects that provide training to military, police, and security companies, and expanding its stake and facility operations.
블렛케이 훈련장은 턴키 시설로서 중앙 통제시스템 교육, 합동 및 결합 된 군사 및 각종 훈련, 또는 단위 요건의 강화 능력에 이상적입니다. 모든 교육과정은 단위 크기 및 교육 요구를 확장. 과정은 교육생의 추상적인 개념을 마스터하고 창의적인 솔루션을 토론 강의실에서 시작 합니다.
교육생은 다음 그들의 지식 및 다양 한 필드 연습, 기술 적용 및 기동을 포함하여 실제 상황을 시뮬레이션하고 관찰, 측정, 성능과 최신의 피드백 시스템을 사용하여 평가하는 방식으로 진행됩니다.
Bullet-K Training Center is a turnkey facility ideal for training central control systems, joint and combined military and various training exercises, or for enhancing unit requirements. All courses expand unit size and training needs. The course will master the student’s abstract concepts and start creative solutions in the discussion room.
Trainees will be able to simulate, monitor, measure, perform and evaluate real-world situations, including their knowledge and various field exercises, technical applications and maneuvers, using the latest feedback systems.

The Urban Area is specifically designed to replicate a realistic urban setting, with a wide range of buildings and facilities that simulate every possible situation of urban warfare or conflict within cities or villages. The 47 different city buildings and facilities, split into three sections, offer a comprehensive live training stage for operations taking place in public squares, residential buildings, business areas, and even banks and gas stations, among many others.
In the world of urban combat, the stakes are never higher than those faced during close quarter battles. Hence, the approach that special operations forces and law enforcement units take during such scenarios must be thoroughly planned, and more importantly, the training to execute these encounters must be conducted at the highest possible level.
The Close Quarters Battle (CQB) facility at BULLET-K provides a simulated real-life training grounds that prepare police or military special units to achieve success in the modern warfare battles that take place within short ranges using personal weapons. The facility is designed to provide room-to-room combat practice using live fire, and is designed to train for assaults on a major stronghold using a variety of methods, including simultaneous foot, vehicle and helicopter approaches.
The indoor shooting range provides training from climate and inclement weather and can be operated 24 hours a day under controlled environmental conditions. The advantage is that it is highly utilized by providing training to ordinary civilians and security companies.
Shooting skills and firearm handling are essential skills that must be perfected by special operations units, so BULLET-K is part of its mission to global training special operations units, and BULLET-K is home to a unique live ammunition practice range. BULLET-K’s state-of-the-art tactical and general-purpose shooting ranges are designed to improve and advance all levels of shooting skills from basic to advanced levels.
In exceptional situations where special operations units encounter during non-traditional warfare, the response must be fast, surgical and precise, and this is only possible through world-class targeted training. The shooting range becomes the center of life for special operations units, and the BULLET-K range is also diverse, making it a perfect preparation for this vitality.
Sabotage operations aimed against aviation are a continuous global threat, as terrorist organizations around the world continue to see airplanes as an attractive target. These attacks create fear and anxiety among the population, and may paralyze transportation, hence, extremely efficient training on countering such acts on board is an essential need for special operations units, so they can counteract such incidents, with the least amount of collateral damage.
The training inside the plane will be conducted using marking rounds, UTM, SRTA, or blanks only, to protect the body and equipment of the aircraft. Training sessions inside the aircraft, and within the surrounding of it, are fully-captured in audio and video for the evaluation and reviews at the AAR facility.
The Driver Track enables Non-Emergency Vehicle Operations (NEVO) to safely instruct and practice nonconventional driving techniques, such as evasive maneuvering, high-speed turn negotiation, skid control, and vehicular pursuit. The range is designed to allow travel in both directions, so that a trainee can practice making turns and maneuvers in opposite directions. Vehicles and maintenance provided on-site. Vehicles and maintenance provided on-site.
The training range features the spectrum of roadway layouts, including: Increasing Radius Curve/Decreasing Radius Curve; High Speed Straight; Skid Pad; S-Curve/Reverse Curve; Constant Radius Curve; Limited Horizontal Sight Distance Curve; Limited Vertical Sight Distance Curve; Roundabout and Urban Grid. The Off-road Driver Training Track enables skills training on unprepared surfaces.